Who we are ?
Founded in 2025, Antama Groupe SA is the entity resulting from the reorganization of the PQH Group, founded by Mr. Maurice Pasquier in 2000. Its mission is to oversee and develop the strategy of the affiliated companies. It values the autonomy of its companies, enabling them to grow, innovate, and evolve in their respective fields.
The group's industrial companies produce high value-added goods in the fields of watchmaking, microelectronics, packaging, and building automation.
The service company, Antama Services SA, centralizes key management activities, including Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology and Marketing.
The real estate company, Antama Immo SA, specializes in managing the group's assets and developing real estate projects.
& Goals
We are dedicated to our clients, offering them innovative technologies and services.
We develop partnerships, which are key to our success.

Maurice Pasquier
Founder & Chairman

José Brandulas
Vice Chairman — CEO

Romuald Gross
Board Member — CFO | CHRO
Over Time

Establishment of PQH Holding SA by Mr. Maurice Pasquier, founder of the PQH Group.
Acquisition of Plaspaq SA in Broc, specializing in plastic injection molding.
Acquisition of Walke AG in Herisau, specializing in paper products.
Acquisition of Cafag SA in Fribourg, active in luxury cardboard packaging and thermoforming.

Acquisition of Fischer SA in Boudry, specializing in thermoformed products.
Acquisition of CSEE SA in Neuchâtel, active in microelectronics.

CSEE SA becomes Aptasic SA and relocates to a new factory in Boudry.
Launch of a real estate project, resulting in the creation of a new real estate division.

Acquisition of Cetec Automation SA in Fribourg, specializing in industrial and building automation.
Stake acquisition in Mestel RSS in Genoa, Italy, specializing in material development and rubber injection-molded products.
Establishment of Antama SA in Fribourg, providing centralized services for the group’s companies in finance, human resources, information technology, and marketing.

Foundation of Mestel SA in Broc, specializing in the development and production of molded products, primarily for the watchmaking industry.
Cafag SA and Plaspaq SA merge to become Cafag & Plaspaq SA.
Acquisition of industrial land in Rossens.

Inauguration of the new industrial site of Mestel RSS in Genoa, Italy.
Transfer of Cafag & Plaspaq SA's industrial activities to Mestel SA and Walke AG
Cafag & Plaspaq SA officially becomes the group's new real estate entity.

Acquisition of Bluetest Testservice GmbH in Leonberg, Germany.
Acquisition of industrial land in Genoa, Italy.

Relocation of Mestel SA’s activities to its new factory in Rossens.
Due to its development and evolution, the group strengthens its identity and becomes Antama Groupe SA.
Antama SA becomes Antama Services SA and Cafag & Plaspaq becomes Antama Immo SA.